• Kids are special people, filled with goodness.

  • Every child is worth receiving special treatment.

For Kids Who Want It

Wild West Way! will offer camaraderie and powerful, simple keys for navigating life’s adventure. Basic, critical, and so-often-hidden solutions will be learned and supported in Wild West Way! Yes, let’s also educate our children in meaningful ways, giving them a foundation on which all else can be built.

In a group setting, for students of all ages, this is for those who want and ask for help. From the get-go, they learn honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness are fundamental. Using local volunteers and peer mentors already experienced in the Way!, each kid will be guided through steps – a trail leading up to greater happiness, self-awareness, inner peace, self-esteem, and improvement in relationships, attendance, behavior, academics:

  1. I feel powerless over _________ (fill in blank) and this freaks me out. I need help. I can’t do it alone.
  2. I reach out for some Power greater than me. My Higher Power helps me with all I do.
  3. I write down my fears, resentments, and harms done to others and by others – and the things that I like about myself too.
  4. I share all of this with someone I trust because I will not keep them a secret anymore.
  5. I do what I can to make things right with people because I am happier doing the right thing.
  6. I pray and meditate daily so I can be super-powered, happy, and free. The more I know my Higher Power and myself, the happier I am.
  7. By using these steps, I become the person I was born to be. I do not feel alone anymore, and I help others!
The process is repeated until it becomes ingrained and is a way of life.

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